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    Block hack attempts from all foreign & unknown locations.

    The file /etc/hosts.deny on Unix/Linux can block login attempts based on counties. The below is a simple host.deny file to block all countries but your own ( in my case Australia), sure this is not the whole answer to securing a system but it sure cuts down the number of hack attempts.

    sudo vi /etc/hosts.allow

    # hosts.deny This file describes the names of the hosts which are
    # *not* allowed to use the local INET services, as decided
    # by the '/usr/sbin/tcpd' server.
    # We will block *all*

    by:Nigel Leck - 25 Jul 2013
    Does renaming a page's path automatically redirect from the old page path?

    Pages can have any number of aliases. When a page's path is renamed the system will automatically add an alias from the page's previous path to the current page.

    This prevents 404 errors which are a well known cause of user frustration and lower SEO rankings.

    When a user requests a URL first a matching page is searched then the page aliases are searched, if a matching page alias is found then that page is used. There are NO 301/302 errors returned there is just many paths to the same page.

    by:Nigel Leck - 19 Jul 2013
    Support for Questionnaires

    A sample questionnaire :-

    To create a questionnaire:-

    Create screen


    List of questions:-

    List of questions

    Create a new question:- 

    Enter a question

    List of choices:- 

    List of choices

    Resulting sample survey:-

    Example Poll


    by:Nigel Leck - 18 Jul 2013
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