stSoftware's Franchise Cloud Systems

Go to: Admin > Setting > Passwords, and set the trusted zone field with your trusted IPs/HOSTs.
In this example:-
Only the IPs/Hosts '192.168.7.*, localhost,' are allowed to have rember me option, except the IP "".
New enhancement was added to select contact categories and group by parent category.
Click on 'Add' categories used to open a new screen to select the wanted category.
Categories are ready to be selected and can be grouped.
How to setup contact categories group
How does it work:
In the example below, by selecting the parent category called 'Group 1' , all the sub categories 'Finance,Other,Supplier' are selected automatically.
Or we can only select the sub category (Like the category 'Marketing' In the example below)
Search for contact by category
How to group categories:
Go to Admin and open the 'pick list manger' and select the table called 'Contact Category', this table holds the list of categories.
Create new category like 'Group 1', this category will be
NOTE: You MUST be using GWT version 2.5.1 or better. The source maps were broken in GWT 2.5
Add to your GWT module :-
<add-linker name="xsiframe"/> <set-configuration-property name="devModeRedirectEnabled" value="true"/>
Add to the file:-
Start the superdev server:-

Add the property SUPER_DEV_MODULE to the webserver startup

In Chrome enable source map

Article titled with non URL friendly characters will be automatically translated to a friendly path when published.
1) When authoring a new article the user selects the type of article (specific article types can be customized as required).
2) Edit the newly created article.
3) Publish the article once ready
Pages and menu items are easily re-ordered, by changing the items sequence number.
The system has a central Contact Relationship Management (CRM) module. The standard features include bulk emailing and email templates.
Email templates with "mail merge" substitutions is a standard feature.
All reports can be exported.
New contacts can be entered. Sections of the standard forms can be hidden as required or new forms can be created.
Easily import contacts using the import wizard, which includes a number of predefined templates. Custom layout can also be used.
Includes new Page Controls which greatly advance the intuitiveness of page editing, a separate Article menu to easily set access priviledges for Article Authors, and a new icon on folders to quickly visualise when they are 'Public'.
We are highly experienced in successfully planning and implementing custom cloud and web systems for a variety of organizations, including those with complex data requirements.
CloudBlocks universal modules and full range of enterprise level tools provide a substantial head start, reducing costs, time and risk
The system has been tested on the following databases
The Cloud Blocks stores all the data in simple key/value pair tables, which are support by all major databases. All data access is done via the JDBC driver for the database. The main requirements of the database is that it's ACID compliant and has a JDBC driver for the current Java version.
View Job P&L's, invoice and record payments, create purchase orders for jobs or inventory.
Work better as a team with Job summaries, user grouping and shared documents/files online.
Keep up to date with calendar, auto email/sms alerts and day sheets.
Talk to us about adding your website for a complete fully integrated, no hassle online business solution.
Get connected and work on the go!
JobTrack lets you run your business on a cloud or on your
Support for XPath as a standard field type has been added. When a field is marked as XPath then the XPath syntax highlighter will be used by default and the field value will be validated to be a valid XPath expression.
XPath syntax editor
HTML Editor
JavaScript Editor
XML Editor
CSS Editor