How to set the store PayPal account?


Go to Admin/Settings menu, Database tab, you can find the Default Pay Pal Account dropdown and Use Live PayPal Server checkbox in Financials section.

You can select a PayPal account or create a new PayPal account

By checking "Use Live PayPal Server" checkbox, all purchases from the store will be real money transactions, uncheck this checkbox to use PayPal sendbox server (test server), no real money transfered.


Image searching feature


stSoftware uses the Lucene API to provide the document indexing for searching. The functionality of the Lucene core API is extended with the Lucene Image Retrieval (LIRE) API. When an image file is uploaded/changed in the cloud file manager automatic LIRE indexing on the image is performed and stored as a searchable attribute of the image file.

The system allows for searches of images with exact or similar image content based on the LIRE index. All documents (including images) have a SHA1 checksum performed

Important notice about the Heartbleed bug for stSoftware customers



The Heartbleed Bug is a recently discovered vulnerability in the OpenSSL cryptographic software library used by many of the world’s web servers to secure information using TLS. If the web site is vulnerable then a hacker could expose 64k of the server's memory without any trace in the server's logs. The server's memory exposed could include the server's private encryption key or other information such as usernames and passwords. 

How to view current active sessions for a user?



By clicking on the "Welcome user name" you will be shown your user set up, with the list of current sessions.

If you see an IP address that is unfamiliar to you, we suggest you change your password immediately to secure your account against unauthorized access. Your current IP address is displayed below the table. In most cases, we guess the location by matching your IP address to a broad geographical location. The location and IP mappings might not always be accurate, especially in cases