How to use the "web folders" from Ubuntu file Explorer


To mount the cloud file manager as a web folder (webDAV) using Ubuntu 13.04

  1. From Ubuntu file manager "File" menu choose "connect to server"connect to server
  2. Enter the connection details
    1. server URL
    2. type "WebDAV (HTTP)"
    3. Folder "/dav/docs"
    4. Your user name & passwordConnection dialog
  3. Navigate to the required web folderMounted web folders

Note: Must use HTTP to mount web folders in Ubuntu 12.04 due to an intermittent error "SSL Handshake" 


How to use the "web folders" from Windows Explorer


You can use cloud file manager as a web folder (webDAV) on Windows 8 by right clicking on "Computer" and then "Map network drive"

Map a network drive

 Click on "Connect to a website..."

Connect to webdav


Then enter the URL of your Job Track server https://hostname/dav 

Enter the URL

You'll then be asked for your user name and password:- 

 Enter user name and password

A success dialog will be shown with an option to open the location


Now the files will be listed as if they were local to the machine:-

remote file lists

Cloud File Manager


Cloud File Manager

The Cloud File Management (CloudFM) module provides a fast, accurate and secure way to manage and exchange business documents.  Documents can also be managed in JobTrack via Web Folders - see below for more detail.

Documents can be attached to individual items within JobTrack such as Contacts or Tasks.  They can also be added into the Document Manager and then linked to a relevant Contact, Task or other module item.


    • Ensure long-term readability by storing in native format
    • Control access

SME Gateway adopted the JobTrack system from stSoftware


SME Gateway adopted the JobTrack system from stSoftware in October 2012. Since then the SME Gateway staff has increased by 40%. There are usually 50 concurrent projects under management. A typical month would see more than 30 jobs priced and bid.

JobTrack is used to coordinate the workflow to achieve these through puts.

The iCAL interface provides an intuitive, real time interface to the status of all jobs and bids to available everyone, wherever they are. The Apple calendar, we use also allows us

What is SEO?

There is a lot of fuss nowadays about search engine optimisation (SEO). Apart from sounding cool and highly complex what is SEO? Well to tell you the truth it is quite simple in fact.

Lets start with the first part "search engine". Most obvious examples of these are Google Search, Yahoo, Microsoft Bing, Yandex and many others. Search engines are in fact web applications that contain information about your site and hence when a user searches for some keywords or phases the search engine can match those

Easy tools to master email marketing!


Remember the most important goal with emails is that they are opened 

Whether you are composing an email to one person or designing an email campaign to 1000's of recipients using the Email module, you should follow a few simple pointers to increase your Open and Read statistics;

  • Your recipients are more likely to open an email when they recognise the sender, so make sure your sender address clearly identifies where you are from.
  • A clear and honest subject line will illicit a better initial response, also builds trust over time that the recipients

What to do when you get an email warning about "variable is deprecated"

You may have seen email warnings about "variable is deprecated". The system has been updated to warn if an email variable or bit of code which is 'deprecated' or out of date. (I had to look up what that meant! - see

What do you do?

You can click Continue to send the emails and it will be fine.

To stop seeing the warning we just need you to update your email template to the new formats for email variables. For example $recipient.firstname,Sir/Madam$ it is

Validation of page URLs

Search engines treat hyphens '-' and underscores '_' differently from one another. Google has clearly stated that when it comes to URL structure, using hyphens rather than underscores makes it much easier for them to identify what the page is about. Take a look at an excerpt below from the Google support blog on URL structure.

See more at:-

How to link my JobTrack calendar with my calendar on Google, Apple iCal or Outlook?


View JobTrack dates on iCalendar Applications

Task & Event dates  /   Sales Opp & Quote timings   /    Job milestones & deadlines

Use JobTrack's iCal button to easily view your time critical sales dates & job schedules on Google Calendar, Apple iCal or Microsoft Outlook.

The new iCal button makes it so easy to integrate your JobTrack data with iCalendar* applications like Google Calendar. This means you can view time critical database information conveniently on your preferred on-line calendar application on your mobile or other