Site Wizard can create a professional site in minutes.


Our site wizard is a simple way to get a professional website

Simply click on the wizard, enter your company details into the form provided and your information will automatically populate the pre-designed website template of your choice, giving you a quality website in minutes. You can choose to use this website, change the template, or tweak it to your hearts content, our system is accommodating and easy to use. 

There are a number of pre-designed site templates included in the base system.

What is the new Calendar?


The new Calendar is a full-sized, drag & drop calendar. It uses AJAX to fetch events on-the-fly for each month/week/day.

Select from the filters to change the date range and items displayed according to type, category, status and assign to. Items are tasks, events, sales opportunities or jobs which have been entered and scheduled to a day and time. You'll see items in the calendar. Click on the item to see the details of the item. You can switch between the calendar and timeline view any time.

We've listed some handy Calendar Tips at the