How to show RRP in online store?


Go to Store/Products menu, edit the product you wish to show the RRP, go to Selling Details tab, enter RRP in Details section and check the "Show RRP" checkbox.


Now the RRP is shown in the product page of the online store

What are the major changes over the since JobTrack 4 ( Nov 2012)


The changes to the system have been broad over the 18 months development period.

  1. Moved to JDK7 after end of life period of JDK6
  2. Content Management System
  3. Cloud File Manager
    • Web Folders
    • Shallow Copy of files ( duplicate files in different folders shares the same raw file)
  4. New responsive control panel
  5. E-Commerce
  6. Enhanced login page and session management
  7. HTML5 validation of every generated screen
  8. iPhone & iPad support on standard screens
  9. Numerous performance improvements