Format your emails with Cascading Style Sheets.


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) can be used to style your emails; create professional branding, specific marketing and event styling

You can add a CSS to every email / for an individual user email account / email template / or specific email.

1. System wide email CSS - Once you add a system wide email CSS all new emails will use this style.

Go to : Admin > Setting > select tab named 'Email' and set your CSS

 System email CSS

With this example the email editor for all the users would look like the below.

Email with system CSS 

2. User account email CSS - Your

How to use site default article template

Each CMS site could have one default article template, you can set it in the Admin tab of the site data entry screen.

Select Handlebars as the default article parser, then enter the handlebar template


When you insert an article compoent in a page, it will look like:


Then you can add your style sheet to change the looking of the article